Good authors of fiction usually show us something instead of telling us something. How does Orwell reveal, early in the last chapter of the book, that Winston has changed, that Winston loves Big Brother? (287 to middle of page 292). Take ten minutes to write about some of the "reveals" that Orwell uses. Include some specific quotes and explain how they reveal a transformation in Winston.
Look up the word "sinecure". Why would the Party give him a sinecure?
Why do you think Orwell has places Winston drinking and hanging out at the Chestnut Cafe, a place mentioned several times earlier in the book? 287 to middle of 292.
Now that you have finished the book, what do you see as the bottom line of the book?
Claims: What are Orwell's primary messages in this book? In carefully written sentences, articulate what you feel are the three most important messages of this book.
What did he get right? Using evidence from the book, choose one or two political, personal, societal or technological trends in our country or the world today which you feel Orwell was on to, perhaps not in terms of every detail, ca would Orwell be concerned about in today's? Using clues/passages from the text, discuss trends in culture that might concern him.
Today: Write about and discuss the final chapter
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Friday: Quiz on Part 3
Can you express the essential message, the essence of 1984, in a sentence?
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