Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Behind The Beautiful Forevers ch 15-17 and John Green

John Green on Behind The Beautiful Forevers

Quiz on cg 15-17 and Author's Note

I'm not sure if we're going to have any significant grades associated with Slum Dog Millionaire; if people are paying attention during the movie and participating in class discussion, I would prefer to limit our assessment to non-graded discussion.  If people are texting, staring at their desks, heads on their desk, sleeping, not participating in discussions, etc, I will have to include graded assessments.  Do your part.  If you're tired, pack an orange or a Red Bull.

What are the major messages and ideas explored in the movie? 

How do the film makers use juxtaposition to compare, contrast and emphasize certain character traits, conflicts, and choices?

Monday, May 15, 2017

Mumbai Road Boy Opens Cafe For All

Ch 15-17 and Author's Note quiz has been moved to tomorrow

Individual work time: 20 minutes to write/prepare notes for each chapter regarding:
* key events
* key characters
* key conclusions/inferences/take-aways

NPR story on Indian road-boy turned cafe owner (see below)

Randomly-generated groups of three: 15 minutes to share your notes, observations and take-aways from the chapters

Hello LT Community!

My global relations class has been learning about gender inequality, and specifically, the lack of girls' education in developing countries. They've learned about the strong connection between education and the poverty cycle, the economy, and health problems for the women and children who are impacted.

In light of their research, they are hosting a fundraiser to raise money to build a school in an invested community (in a developing country), through the CARE organization. Please consider stopping by the tables outside D103 during lunch periods this week to donate some loose change, learn about our cause, and maybe even buy a class-designed t-shirt.

Thanks much!
Christina George

Hand back ch 13-14 quizzes..

mumbai terror attacks

Find two passages, one in chapter 15 and one in chapter 16, which, for you, capture the essence of one of the people or issues which Boo chronicles in this book.

In a double-entry journal format, in the left-hand column provide a passage and page number and in the right-hand column explain what this passage reveals about a character or issue Boo chronicles.

HW: Read Chapter 17 and the Author's Note 
Chapter 15-17 and Author’s Note quiz (32 points)

Friday, May 12, 2017

NY TImes on Trump firing of Comey

Homework: Chapter 16 (see reading schedule handout)       

Menagerie sharing: Split a piece of notebook paper with a neighbor.  Write your name at the top of the sheet and then write down the name and page number of your two recommended pieces (one written and one visual). Fold in half and place in the cookie tin. 

Silent reading time

AP Lang/Comp Calendar for end of BBF unit and exams


AP Test

Ch 14 “The Trial” Due
Quiz on Ch 13-14
Ch 15 “Ice” Due
Read ch 16: “Black and White” in class


Read chapter 17 : “A School, A Hospital, and a Cricket Field” in class. 


BBF Quiz on 15-17 plus Author’s Note

Slumdog Millionaire
Late Start Day

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Quiz on chapters 13-14    

Homework: Chapter 15 (see reading schedule handout)       

Menagerie: For tomorrow, choose two pieces (one written and one visual) that you would recommend to others to check out. Without saying too much (no spoilers), prepare a brief comment or two about what you found appealing or interesting about the work? 

DPre-quiz discussion questions:
Justice in America:

 How do you feel about President Trump firing the FBI director who was investigating Trump administration ties to Russia and Russian interference with the US presidential election? Explain your answer.

In what substantive ways is it similar to India and in what ways is it different? Does race, religion, money and connections play a significant role in US courts? Explain your answer using examples from the book and your observations of American society and news.

AP Lang/Comp Calendar for end of BBF unit and exams


AP Test

Ch 14 “The Trial” Due
Quiz on Ch 13-14
Ch 15 “Ice” Due
Read ch 16: “Black and White” in class


Read chapter 17 : “A School, A Hospital, and a Cricket Field” in class. 


BBF Quiz on 15-17 plus Author’s Note

Slumdog Millionaire
Late Start Day

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire

HW: Finish reading Chapter 15

Prepare your recommendations from Managerie (one sentence for each rec)

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Menagerie: For tomorrow, choose two pieces (one written and one visual) that you would recommend to others to check out. Without saying too much (no spoilers), prepare a brief comment or two about what you found appealing or interesting about the work? 

Pre-reading discussion: Do you think the criminal justice system in America is fair and just? Explain your answer.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

AP argument prep

A-Mad - Vaughan Gym
Mar-Z - Upper South Gym

HW for Thursday: Read chapter 14: "The Trial" for Thursday

Quiz on Thursday on chapters 12-14 (10 questions for 20 points)