Thursday, December 15, 2016

Exam Prep

Review Prompt and Possible Texts

Finished IC updates for 1984 focused revisions around 6:30 am (Eli, Emily, Joey, Ashlee, Nynena, Kevin); working on other grade updates (e.g., vocab revisions for Siddhartha vocab quiz) this morning. Thanks for your patience.

Write down the title of each possible text...

Each one of these texts are in your Language of Composition textbook; you will often find insightful commentary there.

Take out your Composition Notebook...take good can use this on the semester exam!

HW: This weekend, I recommend you read each of these in your textbooks, and write notes in your composition notebook.

Let's review Matt's rhet analysis of a 1984 passage

Let's also read one of the selected articles (Why I Love Sports) and talk about what we notice and look at a student example.

English IV AP 7
21 December 2015
Sports are Best
            Hardly any American has grown up with out being thrown into at least one community youth sports team or a competitive game of gym class kickball.  Sports are a staple in American life whether you play them, watch them, or write about them for a career like Rick Reilly.  In Reilly’s Why I Love My Job he describes the wonderful moments he has had in a career of writing in sport magazines in order to refute the idea presented by his old journalism professor who claimed that he was “better than sports”.  Reilly uses parallel structure, a rich and humorous tone, and comparisons to argue that he will never be better than sports in an essay that proves to be more about the people involved in sports than the actual task of writing about them.
            It is clear from reading Reilly’s work that he is proficient in the use of ethos, pathos, logos and organizing his points in a way that allows the reader to quickly analyze what they will read in an upcoming paragraph.  Reilly begins each paragraph using some version of “Sports is” pared with some sort of quality sports possess, whether it be “real…Oprah for guys…woven deeper in American life than you know…unscripted”.  By using parallel structure this way, Reilly is able to clearly organize each paragraph into variations of ethos, pathos, and logos and give real life examples, thus clearly supporting his thesis of how sports are better than him.  Parallel structure personifies sports and makes us believe that it is the sports that are great and not the people participating in the sports.  “Sports has mercy…Sports has honor” Reilly writes before relaying a story of young athletes who acted as great people and teammates.  This use of parallel structure combined with pathos and personification proves that sports demonstrate incredible qualities.  Parallel structure is simple and clearly conveys the message of the article and lets the reader dive quickly into Reilly’s support and not have to sort through anything. 
            What really makes a reader remember Reilly’s essay and the message he presents, is his rich and humorous tone.  Truth be told, the article doesn’t seem humorous when it begins, but humor is sprinkled in through out the article because of references to famous people, stories of sports fans, and comparisons to non sport related activities.  The most notable forms of humor came at the very end of the essay as Reilly explains “Lastly—and most important – sports is the place where beer tastes best.  So here’s to you, professor.  I’m glad to know I’m not better than sports.  But you did show me I’m better than one thing: advice from professors.”  Reilly’s humor gives the reader the chance to think a little more half heartedly about the essay and the words that the professor told Reilly as a young journalism student, and presents the essay in a more carefree manner, but still proves Reilly’s point.  Humor relates to the reader and when used correctly as Reilly did, it adds even more support to the argument by demonstrating that there are great things in sports.
The final and most impactful rhetorical device that Reilly uses to support his argument is comparisons.  Reilly uses the parallel structure he set up to present a story and then compares that story to an example for a non-sport related activity that seems weak in comparison.  When explaining the honor in sports, Reilly tells of two girls Texas volleyball teams who acted graciously in the wake of an injured player and then juxtaposes that by writing “And yet last year in Alaska, Senator Ted Stevens (R) ran for reelection despite seven felony convictions”.  By doing this, Reilly undermines the non-sport related activity, in this case politicians, and brings more support and appreciation to the sports.  When comparing sports with non-sports Reilly is also able to reference people that most of the general public, and sport fans in particular, know and are familiar with.  Reilly writes “Sports is real.  If you’re Henry Fonda’s son and you want to act, you get to act.  If you’re Chelsea Clinton and you want to govern, you get to govern…[But] If Tom Brady suddenly can’t throw the 30-yard out, he’s benched, dimple or no dimple.”  Reilly carefully selects who to compare and how to compare them in order to prove that sports are better than just about anything else, be it politics, arts, etc.  Using comparisons relates to the reader and helps to convey Reilly’s main message because he is able to set sports high above everything else.

When a teacher tells you that you think you are better than what you are doing, some people might think of it as a compliment, but not Rick Reilly.  Reilly easily and clearly coveys his idea that sports are better than him, and with the array of rhetorical devices used, and with his clear love for sports, its hard to imagine that he could ever write about anything else.  Reilly’s passion and easy to read tone support his argument and leave the reader wishing there was more.

English IV AP
21 December 2015

Americans are the Walking Dead
            Today’s society is being transformed into something like that of a zombie world and in My Zombie, Myself: Why Modern Life Feels Rather Undead, Chuck Klosterman makes that very clear to the reader. Today, the average American is constantly working towards something— the next paycheck, a promotion, an A on an English paper-- but in the process, many of them begin to feel their brains turning to mush, their bodies being put on autopilot, and they begin to look like the literal walking dead. In his piece, Klosterman compares modern-day life to a zombie world through allusion, analogy, and pathos.
            Klosterman effectively uses allusion to signal to the reader that zombies are second-nature, almost like they always knew that they were a part of them. Zombies have one motive, “the consumption of flesh;” currently, Americans also have one motive; to get the job done. No matter what that job is, they effectively transform into a “creature who can’t talk [and] doesn’t think.” Klosterman’s use of this allusion highlights the effect of everyday pressure on the average American. In addition, Klosterman also alludes Americans to zombies by stating “the more you fill them with bullets, the more interesting they become.” How can this not be true for any American? The word “bullet” correlates to any goal or task that the Average Joe has to get done. As tasks, or “bullets,” pile onto Joe’s to-do list, he starts to become not-so-average; he starts to go crazy. Being busy is not a bad thing, but when someone has too much on their plate, they simultaneously turn into a zombie, and Klosterman emphasizes this through very effective allusion.
            Moreover, Klosterman’s use of analogy and comparison underlines the scary appearance of zombie-like characteristics in every modern American. “Zombie killing is philosophically similar to reading and deleting 400 work e-mails on a Monday morning or filling out paperwork that only generates more paperwork.” Klosterman’s analogy helps the reader realize that no matter what the job is or where they work, almost every person has a part of their job that they just do not enjoy. Additionally, he states that “as long as [Americans] keep deleting whatever’s in front of [them, they] survive.” Guns are to zombies as delete buttons are to Americans; if someone shoots a zombie, he’s momentarily dead; if someone deletes an email or text, there is a momentary solution. Klosterman helps the reader to understand this concept through strong analogies that are easily relatable to everyday life.
            Lastly, Klosterman uses pathos to connect the reader’s life with a zombie’s. “Zombie killing is…following Twitter gossip out of obligation or preforming tedious tasks in which the only true risk is being consumed by the avalanche.” The use of analogy tied together with pathos emotionally strikes every teen reader immediately; scrolling through endless Twitter junk just to be able to say that, “yes, I did see Kimye’s baby’s name, and yes I did see [insert name]’s tweet about [insert name],” is something any teen wants. In addition, everyone has felt like a zombie at 10:30pm while they are rushing to get the busy-work Spanish assignment done because SeƱora is collecting it tomorrow. Klosterman takes a stab right at the heart of the reader, and he does so very impressively. More importantly, Americans “live to eliminate the zombies of tomorrow.” Klosterman’s use of pathos here arouses many emotions in any reader’s heart; no matter what the goals of the reader are at any point in their life, Klosterman underlines the fact that the zombie-world is a never-ending cycle, and every day Americans wake up and try to defeat their daily struggles just to wake up to the same daily struggles the next day. Klosterman emphasizes his point through very powerful pathos that immediately causes the reader to do some self-reflection.

            Overall, Klosterman’s use of allusion, analogy, and pathos aid the reader in understanding that their average American life is shockingly similar to a zombie world. The use of these rhetorical elements urges the reader to compare zombies to “how their day-to-day existence feels” and leaves a convincing impression on them. Currently, Americans are transforming into past characters of movies and shows that nobody ever thought could be real. The average working American is a Walking Dead; and they probably do not even realize it. 

Mr. Wesley
English 4AP
22 November 2016
A Wonderfully Worded Warning
            In his classic, dystopian novel 1984, George Orwell pits Winston Smith against the totalitarian regime known as the Party. Although satirical, Orwell’s exaggeration of power in the novel raises an important question: What is stopping 1984 from becoming a reality? Orwell intended 1984 to serve as a warning of what can happen when governments take too much control over its citizens. In the final part of the novel, Winston undergoes torture when O’Brien and the Thought Police capture him for his unorthodox views. Orwell embellishes this section of the book with similes, logos, and symbolism to portray the overall message warning society from embracing totalitarian ideals while also providing hope that humanity can be restored.
            Focusing on pages 267-270, Winston is in his second stage of reintegration: understanding. Orwell uses this section to explain the ideals of the Party and how they will remain in absolute control. O’Brien, Winston’s interrogator, describes their world as one “of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon” (Orwell 267). Rather than promoting love and justice, the Party promotes self-destructive characteristics among its citizens. Love creates families and families are loyal to one another. By taking away love and replacing it with hatred, the Party creates a society that is only loyal to its government. The continuous warfare against the two Asian powers illustrates this effect. By constantly being involved in war, the citizens of Oceania have a common enemy to direct their hatred at. Then, lies are spread over the telescreens about how progress is being made in the war effort, reaffirming the people’s faith in the Party. However, Orwell also writes about how there is still hope that humanity can be restored, even when the ideas of love and family are forgotten. Even after O’Brien tortures, starves, and explains how the Party’s victory is inevitable, Winston still believes that, someday, the Party will be destroyed: “There is something in the universe- I don’t know, some spirit, some principle- that you will never overcome” (270). Orwell uses Winston in this part of the book as means to convey that, even when human nature has been destroyed, there is still hope that it can be restored. Winston knows how things were before the endless war. Winston knows that 2+2=4. Winston knows that the Party is based on deception, manipulation, and fear. If Winston can overcome the strength of the Party, so can the rest of Oceania. Orwell further strengthens these two messages with his use of rhetorical devices.
            For the Party to remain in control, the citizens of Oceania need to be dehumanized, which Orwell reveals through his use of similes. Be removing the love between parents and children, the Party creates a society where “children [can] be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen” (267). By comparing a parent’s greatest fear to a common, everyday event, Orwell reveals the horror of life under the Party. Parents no longer care if their children are taken from them. Neighbors no longer look for one another. Taking away love and compassion from the citizens of Oceania makes it easier for the Party to take absolute control. The children that they take away can be molded into perfect, Big Brother-loving patriots and neighbors can turn each other in for treason without a second glance. Orwell goes further and explains how competing pleasures will be destroyed. The Party takes away everything it means to be human: love, compassion, intelligence, etc. Even the sexual instinct will become merely a formality like the annual renewal of a ration card (267). By taking away human nature, the Party is able to fill these blank slate humans with love of Big Brother and loyalty to their government. By comparing important life events to everyday occurrences, Orwell demonstrates the power the Party has over its people.
            Next, Orwell uses an appeal to logic to reveal how the Party will retain control permanently. The Party can already mold people’s thoughts anyway they like. However, they still need to eradicate the free-thinkers and the people who remember the time before the Revolution, such as Winston. To do this, the Party creates a group known as the Brotherhood whose purpose is to bring an end to the totalitarian regime. Normally, it would prove illogical to create opposition to one’s own cause. However, the Party uses the Brotherhood to locate and exterminate anyone with unorthodox views. This is the very way O’Brien caught Winston. Winston believes that O’Brien is part of the Brotherhood and admits that he wishes to bring an end to the Party. The next day, the Thought Police arrive at Mr. Charrington’s shop to arrest Winston. By creating an enemy, the Party will find the heretic at its mercy “screaming with pain, broken up, contemptible-and in the end utterly penitent, saved from himself, crawling to [the Party’s] feet of his own accord” (268). By using logos, Orwell illustrates how creating an imaginary group of rebels will further lead to the end of individual thought and the supreme control of the Party.
            However, Orwell also provides hope for the return of humanity, turning Winston into a symbol: “the guardian of the human spirit” (270). Even after torture, interrogation, and mental exhaustion, Winston still loves Julia, and he believes that the Party will fail. Orwell thus turns Winston into a symbol of hope. Through the Party’s lies and manipulation, Winston never loses sight of what is true. As long as he believes that the Party is evil and can be destroyed, there is hope for humanity yet. This is why O’Brien takes so much time reintegrating Winston. If O’Brien can convert him into an orthodox Party member, all hope for humanity will be destroyed. If someone dies hating Big Brother, that person will become a martyr and their ideas will continue to live on in the people they influenced. When O’Brien successfully converts Winston, he essentially turns Winston into a hypocrite who will be forgotten and erased from time. Orwell’s purpose in turning Winston into a symbol of hope was to reveal that no one can have complete control over another’s actions. Winston knows from the moment he buys the diary in Chapter 1 that he will be disintegrated. However, he follows the path anyway because he knows that a life of rebellion is better than a life as a brainwashed citizen of Oceania.

            Through his use of similes, logos, and symbolism, Orwell creates a section of 1984 that illustrates how the novel not only serves as a warning for the advancements in governmental influence but also as a symbol of hope that humanity will endure. The Party can eliminate human emotion and locate insurgents, yet people like Winston still stand against it in hope that human nature will prevail. Some people view 1984 as a prophesy and that the dictatorship of Oceania will one day reveal itself in the real world. Even if it does, Orwell gives us hope that mankind can overcome whatever lies ahead.  

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Read chapters 11 & 12 (10 points):  Write one textually-grounded paragraph (containing a quote from one of the last chapters) in which you make a connection that is spiritual, intellectual, social, literature or story-based (e.g., books and movies). 

Perhaps you connect the quote to a religious or spiritual thought of your own; or maybe you connect a quote to some idea or archetype you have encountered elsewhere in your high school reading; or perhaps an idea that is thoughtfully explored in a movie or song overlaps in some way with the quote; or maybe you contrast an idea in the last two chapters with something from 1984 or some other book, movie, or current event.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The River: Why is it an apt archetype for all of life?

Working individually or with a partner, respond with a paragraph which includes your own thoughts and thoughts from the novel.

Following his figurative death and rebirth at the tree near the river, Siddhartha gains great peace & patience & compassion: he is wise.  And yet, he still experiences suffering.

What internal & external conflicts does he face?

No homework
Tomorrow will be a reading day

Monday, December 12, 2016

Small Group Discussion - Inferential questions for chapters 8 and 9.

What monsters and demons (internal and external) does Siddhartha face?
Which of the Seven Deadly sins does he commit?  
Find examples in the novel, mark them, and discuss them.

e.g.,  Envy and Pride (p 35)

Figuratively speaking, where do you see death and rebirth Siddhartha's journey?

Read chapter 10: The Son (117-127)
Quiz on chapters 8 and 9?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Siddhartha chapter 4-6 discussion questions


Look at 1984 student essay examples
Discuss chapters 4-6

Siddhartha Chapters 4-6 questions

Chapter 4

11           Rob Hatch           04-Dec-2016, 11:28:10 PM          
0 replies
Chapter 4 Page 38
"I wanted to rid myself of the Self, to conquer it, but I could not conquer it, I could only deceive it, could only fly from it, could only hise from it".

Siddartha's conflict with his self can be seen as a person vs. Self conflict. Do you think it's possible to rid yourself of the "Self" and how could Siddartha do so?

Erin McNicholas 05-Dec-2016, 12:04:20 AM          
0 replies
Pg. 39-40

"River was river, and if the One and Divine in Siddhartha secretly lived in blue and river, it was just the divine art and intention that there should be yellow and blue, there sky and wood--and here Siddhartha."

Do you think that the colors yellow and blue symbolize something here? If so, what do you think was the purpose of the author putting these here?

Elijah Bright        05-Dec-2016, 6:45:10 AM            
0 replies
"I will no longer study Yoga- Veda, Atharva- Veda, or asceticism, or any other teachings. I will learn from myself the secret of Siddhartha" (39). How does Siddhartha believe he will be able to achieve Nirvana based on his own teachings? Do you believe Siddhartha will achieve Nirvana this way? How has "self thought" help you become knowledgeable in your own life ?

Chapter 5: 

10           kevin gomez       yesterday, 9:17:58 PM    
1 reply
"The world was so beautiful when looked at in this way-without any seeking, so simple, so\ childlike" (46). 

Do you think Siddhartha will continue to look at the wold in this way? If so what could be the effect and if not what will make him change his mind.

Emily Aldrich       today, 12:22:56 AM        
0 replies
“He is like Govinda,” he thought, smiling. “All the people I meet on my path are like Govinda. All are thankful, although they themselves have the right to be thanked. All are subservient, all want to be friends, like to obey, think little. People are children.” (49)

What do you think Siddhartha means by "people are children"? Do you think he is making a generalization about all people?

Grace Brannen   yesterday, 4:08:44 PM   
1 reply
Page 59

"You will see that the stupid Samanas in the forest learn and know many useful things. The day before yesterday I was still an unkempt beggar; yesterday I already kissed Kamala and soon I will be a merchant and have money and all those things which you value."

If Siddhartha is trying to find his self (atman), are Kamala's values the way to his goal? Do you think that Kamala's values good or bad and why?

Grace Thomas    yesterday, 7:39:40 PM   
1 reply
"For you will need much money if you want to be Kamala's friend" (pg 57).

Siddhartha is determined to impress Kamala. Do you think their relationship will ever be as strong as Siddhartha's and Govinda's relationship was? Or do you think Siddhartha is just interested in quenching his knowledge by learning about a new type of relationship such as love? Why or why not?

HW: Read Samsara (75-86) and handwrite a discussion question



School Improvement Day 11:30 dismissal

HW: Amongst The People (63-73)


Discuss ch 4-6

Review 1984 example essays…

HW: Samsara (75-86)

Reading Day: By The River (87-100) and The Ferryman (101-115) for Monday


HW: The Son (117-127)

Reading day: Om (129-137 and Govinda (139-152)
Late Start Day
Siddhartha Assessment

AP Rhet practice

AP Rhet Practice

Final Exams
Final Exams
Final Exams

End of 2nd quarter and 1st semester
Winter Break Begins



1) Hand in vocab revisions
2) Focused essay revision: hand in draft of rationale paragraph
3) HW: Siddhartha: Read "Amongst the People" 63-73; no turnitin question, but a handwrite a discussion question

Monday, December 5, 2016

Second chances...we all need 'em!

For the Siddhartha chapter 1-2 vocab and Hinduism quiz...

No additional reading tonight

Optional Assignment, Due tomorrow (12/7): You may earn points back for up to three missed questions (6 points).
1) Write out the definition and part of speech
2) Write a sentence (or two) which contains the word (underlined) and enough context clues to demonstrate your clear understanding of the word.

Siddhartha Chapter 1 and Hinduism handout vocabulary
Some words are used more than once.

Hinduism Vocabulary
A.     Om
B.     Atman
C.     Brahma(n)
D.     Brahmin
E.      Upanishads
AB. Karma
AC. caste
AD. Vedas
AE. ascetic
BC. dharma

1.      In Hinduism, ___A________ is a Hindu sacred sound that is considered the greatest of all mantras.
2.      _______BC_____ is the practice of virtue.  What is virtuous depends most specifically on your caste and your stage of life.
3.      During successive reincarnations, one can accumulate good _________AB________ by leading a good life and doing good for others; however, being hurtful and selfish accumulates bad ______AB___________.
4.      There are many books the Hindus lay claim to as doctrines of their faith. A few of the better k own-texts are The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, and The _____AD_______.
5.      The _______AC_______ system divides people into social classes.  These are very strict and hereditary.
6.      ______AC_________ is the priestly class, the highest class in Hindu society.
7.      A _______D___________ is also the title given to a Hindu priest.
8.      __________A_____ mystically embodies the essence of the entire universe. This meaning is further deepened by the Indian philosophical belief that God first created sound and the universe arose from it.
9.      The syllable is discussed in a number of the _______E___________, which are the texts of philosophical speculation, and it forms the entire subject matter of one, the Mandukya.
10.   A person's true Self or underlying vital force is called ______B_________.
11.   ________C_________ is the impersonal Absolute, the unproduced Producer of all that is. In the Vedas, Brahman is the force behind the magical formulas. In the Upanishads it is the supreme, eternal principle behind the origin of the universe and of the gods.
12.   When one is in the life stage of the _______AE__________, the individual dedicates all his energy to spiritual goals and rejects worldly pleasures.

Secular Vocabulary
a.      Avaricious
b.      Insatiable
c.      Ascetics
d.      Disillusionment
e.      Chasm
ab. onerous
ac. palliative
ad. austere
ae. venerableness

13.   What is the holding of breath? It is a flight from the Self, it is a temporary escape from the torment of Self. It is a temporary _______ac_________ against the pain and folly of life.

14.   Wandering _______c________, they were three thin worn-out men, neither old nor young, with dusty and bleeding shoulders, practically naked, scorched by the sun, solitary, strange and hostile--lean jackals in the world of men.
15.   If you find bliss in the forest, come back and teach it to me. If you find _________d________, come back, and we shall again offer sacrifices to the gods together.

16.   Did he not go continually to the holy springs with a/an  ____b_______ thirst, to the sacrifices, to books, to the Brahmins' discourses?

17.   He waited with new thirst like a hunter at a _______E_____ where the life cycle ends, where there is an end to causes, where painless eternity begins.

18.   Govinda knew that he would not become an ordinary Brahmin, a lazy sacrificial official, an  ______A___________ dealer in magic sayings, a conceited worthless orator, a wicked sly priest, or just a good stupid sheep amongst a large herd.

19.   …the hour was inevitable when he would again find himself, in sunshine or in moonlight, in shadow or in rain, and was again Self and Siddhartha, again felt the torment of the _________AB________ life cycle.

20.   "How could it be that amongst so many learned men, amongst so many Brahmins, amongst so many _______AD______ and worthy Samanas, amongst so many seekers, so many devoted to inner life, so many holy men, none will find the right way?"

1984 Focused Revision Assignment

1984 Focused Revision Assignment
December 6, 2016
Points: If you earned less than an A on your paper, you can earn up to ten points added to your essay grade (A- papers can earn an additional 7 points to move your essay points to what you would have earned (usually 142- 144 points) if you had received an A on the paper; students who received a B+ through an F can earn an additional 10 points added to your essay grade).
Depending on the nature and scope of the issue that you are focusing on, you and I will reach an agreement on whether it makes sense to have you apply changes to the entire paper or to focus on revising two (2) paragraphs.
Due date: December 12, 2016
Assignment Parts:
a.      Write a rationale paragraph explaining why you feel you most need to work on this particular skill.  Generally speaking, I want you to explain why – based on past experience, comments on this essay and others, etc. – you feel this is a writing skill you most need to work on.
b.     Find a good source in print or on the internet which provides guidance on this writing skill. Copy/print a reasonable length (6 or less pages) for the purpose of annotating.  Read it and annotate it for important advice and tips, especially advice that pertains directly to your struggles.
c.      Next, choose the portions of your paper which need revision in this area, and revise them in accordance with the guidance provided by those sources. Using the cross-out functions in Word or Google Docs and/or highlighting/underlining functions, show the edits you made to improve your writing. Use text boxes/comments/endnotes to explain in the margins why you made your changes and/or how they made your writing better. All revisions must be typed.
d.     Write a strong reflection paragraph summarizing 1) the nature of the changes you made, 2) how they improved your paper, and 3) what you learned about this particular writing skill.
Choose from the following revision assignments.
1.     Writing clear, concise prose
You might want to choose this if your major problems are related to wordiness/language clutter, filler words, vague or empty words, misplaced modifiers, awkward diction or syntax, excessive use of the passive voice and verbs of being.
2.     Writing a focused, detailed and meaningful thesis statement and clearly connected topic sentences for each body paragraph
3.     Writing unified, coherent paragraphs/papers
4.     Properly introducing, embedding and punctuating citations (according to MLA guidelines)
5.     Avoiding comma splices, run-ons, fragments and other problems with punctuation (e.g. proper use of commas, colons, semicolons, apostrophes, etc)
6.     Choosing strong textual evidence and meaningfully and smoothly integrating it into your argument
7.     All other problems (e.g. redundancy, poor word choices, poor choice of supporting evidence, misinterpretation of the text, etc.)

Mr. Wesley
AP English Language and Composition Per. 5
26 October 2016
Area of Revision: Writing Clear, Concise Prose
Text Box: Shorten claim to grab reader’s attention, exclude unnecessary words at the end.Rationale: After viewing my rubric and revised paper, I have concluded that the focus of my revisions should be in the essay’s conciseness. If I successfully increase my conciseness, my writing will be much easier to understand, and more directly address the claim. I will do my best to not work around any points, and use direct syntax to address a statement. Also, the lack of specificity led to many overstatements. Overall, the lack of concise syntax and precise diction in my paper were major downfalls, making it difficult for the reader to understand my ideas.
Revision Examples: (First Three Paragraphs)
Text Box: “One of which” is redundant, and can be replaced with a single word. “As long as humans have” is not only an unnecessary modifier, but creates an overstatement. Finally, “in order” is a prepositional phrase, and can be excluded.Text Box: “All the way up” and “more than ever” are somewhat cliques, they can be excluded or replaced to make sentences more concise.            Men are different than women. That is a fact. This fact puts forth (elicits) a plethora of thoughts, debates and opinions. For all of humanity, men and women have both taken a specific their own role in their society. The distinction of these roles is depicted by ancient male hunters and female gatherers, all the way up to more recent examples of businessmen and housewives. The separation of genders has played a major role in the trends of past societies. Until now. Our present-day world is evolving more than ever immensely. New arguments have emerged about many social issues, one of which is including feminism. Feminism is interpreted differently by everyone. Contrary to popular belief, feminism has been in existence for as long as humans have decades.
            First, in order to analyze the idea of feminism, we must define the term. Feminism is defined as the movement to establish political, social and economic equality between men and women. The definition can be interpreted in many ways. Personally, I believe that feminism is the desire of men or women, to promote equal opportunity, not equal outcome, in all aspects of life, and not restrict EITHER gender in that process. With the formation of equality to men, the goals of feminism are reached.  I believe that everyone should have the ability to advance themselves in their society with no Text Box: The first sentence added brings the paragraph back to the previous claim. “Have the ability to” is an unnecessary modifier, and can be excluded. “Their” in this case is implied, and can be removed. “Any of this talk” is cliqued, and unnecessary to include.restriction.
Text Box: “Whether it was his purpose or not” is a phrase that can be replaced with a single word. “Even in this antiquated society” is implied after the ideas proposed in the next sentence. “As long as” is a phrase that can be replaced with a single word.            Now, you may ask, how does any of this talk of feminism pertain to the novel in question, The Scarlet Letter? I believe that Nathaniel Hawthorne is, whether it was his purpose or not, indirectly displaying the idea that feminism is a part of every society, even this antiquated society. Feminism, has been around as long as since women have been belittled, therefore, the struggle for women’s equal rights has been around forever.
Reflection Paragraph: After researching concise language, I already feel that my writing has improved. Reading through my paper, I have identified a trend in phrases that can be replaced with more precise diction. Also, I have made myself aware of mistakes made when I am not fully able to convey a point, and now know to step back, and use the syntax of the sentence to convey what I am trying to say. Finally, I believe that by making my prose more concise, it clears the details up for the reader, and allows my paper to be more easily understood. Conclusively, learning more in this area of composition, and then applying it to my own writing has changed my techniques as a writer for the better.