For the Siddhartha chapter 1-2 vocab and Hinduism quiz...
No additional reading tonight
Optional Assignment, Due tomorrow (12/7): You may earn points back for up to three missed questions (6 points).
1) Write out the definition and part of speech
2) Write a sentence (or two) which contains the word (underlined) and enough context clues to demonstrate your clear understanding of the word.
Siddhartha Chapter
1 and Hinduism handout vocabulary
Some words are used more
than once.
Hinduism Vocabulary
1. In Hinduism, ___A________ is a Hindu sacred
sound that is considered the greatest of all mantras.
2. _______BC_____ is the practice of virtue. What is virtuous depends most specifically on
your caste and your stage of life.
3. During successive reincarnations, one can
accumulate good _________AB________ by leading a good life and doing good for
others; however, being hurtful and selfish accumulates bad ______AB___________.
4. There are many books the Hindus lay claim to
as doctrines of their faith. A few of the better k own-texts are The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, and
The _____AD_______.
5. The _______AC_______ system divides people into
social classes. These are very strict
and hereditary.
6. ______AC_________ is the priestly class, the
highest class in Hindu society.
7. A _______D___________ is also the title given
to a Hindu priest.
8. __________A_____ mystically embodies the
essence of the entire universe. This meaning is further deepened by the Indian
philosophical belief that God first created sound and the universe arose from
9. The syllable is discussed in a number of the
_______E___________, which are the texts of philosophical speculation, and it
forms the entire subject matter of one, the Mandukya.
10. A person's true Self or underlying vital force
is called ______B_________.
11. ________C_________ is the impersonal Absolute,
the unproduced Producer of all that is. In the Vedas, Brahman is the force
behind the magical formulas. In the Upanishads it is the supreme, eternal
principle behind the origin of the universe and of the gods.
12. When one is in the life stage of the
_______AE__________, the individual dedicates all his energy to spiritual goals
and rejects worldly pleasures.
ab. onerous
ac. palliative
ad. austere
ae. venerableness
13. What is the holding of breath? It is a flight
from the Self, it is a temporary escape from the torment of Self. It is a
temporary _______ac_________ against the pain and folly of life.
14. Wandering _______c________, they were
three thin worn-out men, neither old nor young, with dusty and bleeding
shoulders, practically naked, scorched by the sun, solitary, strange and
hostile--lean jackals in the world of men.
15. If you find bliss in the forest, come back and
teach it to me. If you find _________d________, come back, and we shall
again offer sacrifices to the gods together.
16. Did he not go continually to the holy springs
with a/an ____b_______ thirst, to the sacrifices, to books, to the Brahmins'
17. He waited with new thirst like a hunter at
a _______E_____ where the life cycle ends, where there is an end to
causes, where painless eternity begins.
18. Govinda knew that he would not become an
ordinary Brahmin, a lazy sacrificial official, an ______A___________ dealer in magic sayings, a
conceited worthless orator, a wicked sly priest, or just a good stupid sheep
amongst a large herd.
19. …the hour was inevitable when he would again
find himself, in sunshine or in moonlight, in shadow or in rain, and was again
Self and Siddhartha, again felt the torment of the _________AB________ life
20. "How could it be that amongst so many
learned men, amongst so many Brahmins, amongst so many _______AD______ and
worthy Samanas, amongst so many seekers, so many devoted to inner life, so many
holy men, none will find the right way?"
1984 Focused Revision Assignment
Revision Assignment
December 6, 2016
Points: If you earned less than an A on your paper,
you can earn up to ten points added to your essay grade (A- papers can earn an
additional 7 points to move your essay points to what you would have earned
(usually 142- 144 points) if you had received an A on the paper; students who
received a B+ through an F can earn an additional 10 points added to your essay
Depending on the nature and scope of the issue that
you are focusing on, you and I will reach an agreement on whether it makes
sense to have you apply changes to the entire paper or to focus on revising two
(2) paragraphs.
Due date: December 12, 2016
Assignment Parts:
a. Write
a rationale paragraph explaining why you feel you most need to work on this
particular skill. Generally speaking, I
want you to explain why – based on past experience, comments on this essay and
others, etc. – you feel this is a writing skill you most need to work on.
b. Find
a good source in print or on the internet which provides guidance on this
writing skill. Copy/print a reasonable length (6 or less pages) for the purpose
of annotating. Read it and annotate it
for important advice and tips, especially advice that pertains directly to your
c. Next,
choose the portions of your paper which need revision in this area, and revise
them in accordance with the guidance provided by those sources. Using the
cross-out functions in Word or Google Docs and/or highlighting/underlining
functions, show the edits you made to improve your writing. Use text
boxes/comments/endnotes to explain in the margins why you made your changes
and/or how they made your writing better. All revisions must be typed.
d. Write
a strong reflection paragraph summarizing 1) the nature of the changes you made,
2) how they improved your paper, and 3) what you learned about this particular
writing skill.
Choose from the following revision assignments.
clear, concise prose
might want to choose this if your major problems are related to
wordiness/language clutter, filler words, vague or empty words, misplaced modifiers,
awkward diction or syntax, excessive use of the passive voice and verbs of
a focused, detailed and meaningful thesis statement and clearly connected topic
sentences for each body paragraph
unified, coherent paragraphs/papers
introducing, embedding and punctuating citations (according to MLA guidelines)
comma splices, run-ons, fragments and other problems with punctuation (e.g.
proper use of commas, colons, semicolons, apostrophes, etc)
strong textual evidence and meaningfully and smoothly integrating it into your
other problems (e.g. redundancy, poor word choices, poor choice of supporting
evidence, misinterpretation of the text, etc.)
Mr. Wesley
AP English Language and Composition Per. 5
26 October 2016
Area of Revision:
Writing Clear, Concise Prose

Revision Examples: (First Three Paragraphs)

in order to analyze the idea of
feminism, we must define the term. Feminism is defined as the movement to
establish political, social and economic equality between men and women. The
definition can be interpreted in many ways. Personally, I believe that feminism
is the desire of men or women, to promote equal opportunity, not equal outcome,
in all aspects of life, and not restrict EITHER gender in that process. With the formation of equality to men, the goals of feminism
are reached. I believe that
everyone should have
the ability to advance themselves in their society with no

Reflection Paragraph:
After researching concise language, I already feel that my writing has
improved. Reading through my paper, I have identified a trend in phrases that
can be replaced with more precise diction. Also, I have made myself aware of
mistakes made when I am not fully able to convey a point, and now know to step
back, and use the syntax of the sentence to convey what I am trying to say.
Finally, I believe that by making my prose more concise, it clears the details
up for the reader, and allows my paper to be more easily understood. Conclusively,
learning more in this area of composition, and then applying it to my own
writing has changed my techniques as a writer for the better.
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