Monday, November 24, 2014

As Westerners reading a book rooted in Eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, there is ample room for misunderstanding and confusion.  Particularly confusing to Westerners are Buddhist terms which are unfamiliar to Westerners, and as a result, often misunderstood.  

The information provided from The Lotus and The Cross website provides some help in understanding how, despite the differences in terminology, some Buddhist concepts overlap with Christian concepts.

god and the unconditioned

Monk at Adam's Peak at Sunrise
Monk at Adam's Peak, Sri Lanka
©Buddha Dharma Education Association
At first glance, Buddhism seems vastly different from Christianity. Christianity is a religion about God, while the Absolute in Buddhism is never personalized, and seldom described, except as being beyond description. Most Christian denominations see the Bible as being of paramount importance (particularly in conservative Protestantism), while the vastly larger collection of Buddhist scriptures are seldom considered as an infallible authority except for a handful of smaller sects.
But delving deeper, the differences become much smaller. For instance, many of the early Church Fathers taught that in his true essence, God is unknowable and unfathomable, beyond all words and all descriptions. This inability to speak of the divine nature is known as apophatic(unspeakable) mysticism, which recognizes God is beyond all words and concepts, and anything we use to say what God is falls short. God's essence (ousia), is within all things, but ever beyond all. Similarly, the Buddhist scriptures refer to the ultimate reality as "the Uncreated," or "the Unmanifest," an absolute Reality which is everywhere present, but beyond this perceived world, resulting from no cause, and limited by no conditions.

buddhist-christian parallels

Parallel Beginnings
Godthe Unconditioned
(Yeshua of Nazareth)
(Siddartha Gautama)
Jewish founder of ChristianityHindu founder of Buddhism
virgin birth accountvirgin birth account
tempted by Satantempted by Mara
Good News of the Kingdom of Godthe Dharma (law) of Liberation
Sermon on the MountSermon of "Turning the Wheel of Dharma"
taught in parablestaught in parables
Feet kissed by Mary MagdaleneFeet kissed by Pasanedi
Betrayed by JudasBetrayed by Devadatta
Crucifiedpossibly poisoned
the Anointed One (Messiah, Christ)the Awakened One (Buddha, Enlightened)
Parallel developments

Parallel Paths
agape (spiritual love)maitri (lovingkindness)
the worldsamsara
Purification (Purgatory)Rebirth (Reincarnation)
hellhell realms
imago Dei (image of God)Buddha-nature
Christ within youRealizing your Buddha-nature
Theosis/DeificationAwakening, Enlightenment
the Waythe Dharma
prayer candles
prayer flags

Friday, November 21, 2014

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