Learning Targets:
I will reflect on the rhetorical strategies that an artist can employ to get make their argument, to get their message across, in spoken poetry or song.
I will consider which rhetorical/literary elements and strategies appear most essential at various stages in a creative argument.
word level: diction - denotation and connotation of word choices; imagery, selection of details, puns/play on words, similes, metaphors, extended metaphors, hyperbole
allusions: What allusions to well-known people, places, events, things help the poet convey his message? Biblical, pop-culture, etc?
sentence level: syntax, phrasing, rhyming, puns, antithesis, zeugma, anaphora, parallel structure, repetition (words and prhases) for emphasis and rhythm
tone: What words best describe the author's attitude towards his subject and/or his audience?
mood: What is emotional feel of the mental space this poem creates? What words best describe this space?
appeals: appeals to ethos, logos, pathos (how are they established). What is the logos (the embodiment of the argument) of this piece?
organization/structure: Is the poem organized in a manner which helps the poet develop his argument argument? Are their sections - logical and/or visual - to his argument? Does one part build upon another part, or circle back to another part, or is it a stream of consciousness with a less discernible structure?
Genre: Why might he have chosen this genre as opposed to another, like perhaps, an article or blog post?
Audience: Who is the intended audience? What might be some of their characteristics? Age, education, experience with technology, with poetry, etc? How does he tailor that argument to better reach his audience?
What is his purpose in writing and performing this poem? What might the poet want people to feel, think about, or do in response to his poem?
What is his argument/message in the poem?
What might have been the exigence for this poem? What event(s) or experiences gave birth to the spiritual,emotional, intellectual itch which lead to his need to scratch that itch (i.e., to create this poem)?
Activity 2: I-touch twist. Watch and listen to how this young poet uses language - words and body language - to convey an argument about technology and our relationship to it. When he is done, write down two lines which caught your attention and try to write one or two sentences which encapsulates what you believe he is saying. In other words, what is his argument? In essence, condense his poetic language to a thesis statement.
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