Thursday, October 30, 2014

Dear 4AP students,

Thanks for working so hard and behaving so well while I was out. Wonderful reports from the subs! You were great! I’m proud to call you my students.

Today, while I catch up with paperwork, I want to give you some time to finish your outlines from yesterday, and then spend some time looking over a writing a resource that you are receiving today: The AP Language and Composition Writing Sourcebook.  It contains lessons, examples, etc. that were either created or gathered by a group of AP teachers at LT.

First,  closely read and annotate the page 47 -54 in the AP Language and Composition… These pages address rhetoric and rhetorical analysis writing.  Beginning at page 51, at the top of each page write a sentence or two summarizing the main ideas from this page and then write another sentence or two explaining how it might be useful to you in reading for rhetorical strategies and in writing a rhetorical analysis essay.  (Note that 53 was accidentally printed twice)

·         Next, discuss your annotations with your partner from yesterday. Is there anything from pages 47-54 which might be helpful in writing an essay in response to yesterday’s writing prompt?  Next, peruse the AP IV 300 + tone words (32) and Some words to use in thinking about tone (33-34).  Do any of these words seem like they would be helpful in talking about yesterday’s writing prompt?
·         Finally, on the back, or at the end of your outline, write or rewrite four to six sharp sentences based on the resources you received today and the observations you and your partner made yesterday.

HW: Read and annotate the following.  At the top of each page write a sentence or two summarizing the main ideas from this page and then write another sentence or two explaining how it might be useful to you in reading for rhetorical strategies and in writing a rhetorical analysis essay.
o   Top Ten “Moves” to Improve Your Writing (1-2)
o   the thesis crafting mini-lesson on Wordsworth’s “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” (16-17)
o   and the sample mini-essay on David Berman’s poem, “Snow” (11-12) in your green Writer’s Sourceboo
o   Words of Evaluation (23)
o   Scholarly transitions (37)

o   Words to Build a Style Vocabulary (38)

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