Thursday, April 6, 2017

Learning Target: I can work with a classmate to annotate for characters and setting in Behind The Beautiful Forevers.
Wesley April 6, 2017 Period 7 lesson plan
4AP English Language and Composition

1)    Count students off randomly (numbering students one to ten – or around that, depending on the number in class today), so that they end up randomly paired with someone (some groups might have three members).
2)    They should take out the Caste Is Not Past and read aloud (and in its entirety) the summary they wrote (of the article).  Please remind to read  annunciate clearly and read loud enough for their partner to hear them; also please remind the listener to listen attentively.  Then, switch roles. (5-10 minutes)
3)    Next, In addition to sharing their thoughts on the Cast Is Not Past, each student in the pair (or trio) should share two of the more powerful connections they made (based on annotation suggestions given yesterday – see list below). 
Chicago Connections (C&A): In what ways is Mumbai like Chicago, like America?  How is it different?
Depravity (D): How is this a story of human depravity?
Human Spirit (S): How is this a story of human strength & spirit?
Power (P): How is this a story of how power really works?  Consider the influence of the following on power and opportunity: money, connections, skin color/race/ethnicity/religious prejudices, police and political corruption, pollution, unbridled/unregulated capitalism) (5-10 mintues)
4)    After sharing their summaries and connections, they should choose and discuss what they feel are three of the most important paragraphs from the article (one from the first 1/3rd of the article, another from the 2/3rd of the article, and the last from the 3/3rd of the article). After discussing with one another what is significant about each of those paragraphs, in the margins next to each paragraph write a brief explanation of their significance. (5-10 minutes)
5)    Now, have the groups mix, pairing them in the following way:
The groups should alternate reading and explaining the significance of each of their chosen paragraphs.  They should read each of the chosen paragraphs aloud and then articulately explain why they chose each as a significant paragraph. (5-10 mins)
Second half of class: Reading time
Read chapter 2, Asha, paying close attention to the roles that caste and religion and corruption play in Asha’s life. Continue to annotate for the following:
In addition to sharing your thoughts on the Cast Is Not Past, each student in the pair (or trio) should share two of the connections they made (based on annotation suggestions below) 
Chicago Connections (C&A): In what ways is Mumbai like Chicago, like America?  How is it different?
Depravity (D): How is this a story of human depravity?
Human Spirit (S): How is this a story of human strength & spirit?
Power (P): How is this a story of how power really works?  Consider the influence of the following on power and opportunity: money, connections, skin color/race/ethnicity/religious prejudices, police and political corruption, pollution, unbridled/unregulated capitalism)

Finish reading and annotating Chapter 2: Asha and The Caste is Not Past and write a full summary for The Caste is Not Past: Annawadi.  Write discussion QUESTIONS in the margin!

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