BBF Annotation Guide
In addition to your other annotations
(character traits, relationships, events, questions, vocab)
track the following ideas mentally - and with annotations - as you read...
Chicago Connections (C&A): In what ways is Mumbai like Chicago,
like America? How is it different?
Depravity (D): How is this a story of human depravity?
Human Spirit (S): How is this a story of human strength
& spirit?
Power (P): How is this a story of how power really works?
Consider the influence of the
following on power and opportunity: money, connections, skin
color/race/ethnicity/religious prejudices, police and political corruption,
pollution, unbridled/unregulated capitalism)
Activity 1: Three column journal. List of characters/relationship to other characters/key characteristics/details
Annotations 2: What is the setting? Time, place, physical and cultural characteristics.
Watch a portion of These Birds Walk
Read and annotate Chapter 1 and The Caste is Not Past and write a full summary for The Caste is Not Past: Annawadi. Write discussion QUESTIONS in the margin!
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