Friday, September 11, 2015

September 11, 2015 Lessons

College Essay Pre-writing phase

Part A
Step one:  Do a life timeline.  Jot down as many events in your life as you can think of.  Put events you would consider positive above the line and events that are negative below the line.  Don’t sensor yourself.

Step two:  Tell stories.  In the allotted time I give you in class, tell as many of the stories from your timeline that you can to your partner, beginning with the one most interesting to you.

Step three:  Re-read the prompts AP Common.  Are there any that could be answered with any of your stories?    Which one would allow you to write the most honest, authentic narrative? 

Step Four: Begin typing your college essay.

Step Five:  September 14: Finish typing your first draft on Monday (we will be in the DC). 

Step Six: September 15-17 Peer reviews/teacher feedback and 2nd and 3rd drafts 

September 15: Tuesday/Group Guidance

September 16: Wednesday/ Peer Review #1

September 17: Thursday/2nd draft due and Peer Review # 2 

September 18: Friday/ Final Draft due (submit hard copy and to  

I will read your college essays and give you feedback, by Friday, September 25.  I will not completely edit/rewrite your paper, but I will provide a combination of three good things and/or things you should work on before you submit your final essay to a college or the Common App online.  What you do with your essay from that point forward is up to you, but you should be in a good position.  You will have received good advice, seen models of what to do and what to avoid, and you will have written several drafts and received feedback from several people, including your teacher.  You should be in good shape!

JFK quiz

3. (65%)       Similarity of the grammatical structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses. Let Every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

9. (70%)    Opposition, or contrast, of ideas or words in a parallel construction.  We shall support any friend, oppose any foe.

13-15 Instructions
The following three questions address ethos, pathos and logos. Read the following passage. It has been broken into three parts – A, B, C – each appealing primarily to either ethos, pathos or logos. Answer the following questions by selecting the part of the passage which best applies and circling in the corresponding letter, A, B, or C on your answer sheet.

A)  To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, B) we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required -- not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. C) If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.

13.       In which part of the passage does Kennedy most directly appeal to the shared ethics/moral sense (ethos) of the audience by stressing the United States actions will be guided by our morals?

14.       In which part of the passage does Kennedy most directly appeal to logical reasoning (logos), one which stresses that certain things must be done if a certain result is expected?

IF you got these wrong, you may gain points by handing in the following by Monday, September 14:

- A copy of your grade slip

- A sheet of paper which indicates which clearly indicates your name, the name of the class and period, the date and numbers for the questions you missed and for which you are submitting evidence of learning (e.g., 4 and 13)
- If you missed question 3 and/or 9, you will write an original sentence which uses the rhetorical strategy you missed

-You will also include an explanation of why that sentence is a good example of that rhetorical term. In essence, you will be doing a rhetorical analysis/explanation of your sentence.  

If you missed 13 and/or 14, revisit the passage, select the right answer, and briefly explain why that appeal most directly applies.

Please clearly number and label all of your answers. 

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