Friday, December 2, 2016

3 replies
""You are clever, O Samana," said the Illustrious One, "you know how to speak cleverly, my friend. Be on your guard against too much cleverness," (35).
After Siddhartha and Gotama speak about Siddhartha's path to enlightenment, what does Gotama mean when he tells Siddhartha this quote?

"This man, this Buddha, was truly a holy man to his fingertips. Never had Siddhartha esteemed a man so much, never had a loved a man so much." 
Question: Why does Siddhartha admire this Buddha so much?

Chapter 3 Quote "[The Buddha] has robbed me, yet he has given me something of greater value. He has robbed me of my friend, who believed in me and now believes in him... But he has given to me Siddhartha, myself." (Hesse 35-36) 
What does Siddhartha mean when he says that the Buddha gave him himself and how does the Buddha give him himself?

Chapter 3 pg. 33
Gotoma said to Siddhartha, "You have found a flaw. Think well about it again. Let me warn you, you who are thirsty for knowledge, against the thicket of opinions and the conflict of words. "

What do you think the flaw is that is referred to and why does it prevent Siddhartha from choosing to follow Gotoma? 

Read and annotate chapter 4, "Awakening" 
Post one discussion question to chapter 4 ( discussion)
5 points) Write one authentic question (linked to a passage in ch 4) and post it on discussion board (Siddhartha ch 4 discussion question). Also, respond to one classmate's questions. We will use some of these in tomorrow's question. It might be a question attempting to understand what is meant by a passage, a term, why a character acts or thinks a certain way, or your own philosophical/ religious/ psychological question inspired by a portion of the test. Just make it an authentic, sincere question and link it to a quoted passage in the text.

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